Best Mortgage Loan Buyer in Cincinnati – We Pay Cash To Take Over Unwanted Home Loans in Cincinnati.

Can’t sell because you owe more on your mortgage loan than the current value of your home?

Are you one of many homeowners stuck with a property you need to sell but have no equity? Paying a mortgage for an unwanted property is never fun but most don’t know there are solutions available besides waiting years for equity to build. We take over your unwanted mortgage loan in 14 days or less. We specialize in taking over home loans with little, zero, or negative equity.

How does this process work? … it’s easy!
  • This process is similar to an assumption loan but requires less time or bank approvals.
  • No bank approvals, home inspections or appraisals are necessary.
  • Can close 10 days or less.
  • All closing processes will be completed by a local real estate attorney providing title insurance and deed preparation.
  • We pay all delinquent mortgage balances.
  • No repairs or maintenance done by the seller is required before closing. We take over mortgage payments regardless of property condition.
This option is great for…
  • Homeowners that have been unsuccessful using a realtor.
  • Sellers with an active listing of 90 days or more with little to no interest from conventional buyers.
  • Sellers behind on mortgage payments.
  • Homeowners who are struggling to make mortgage payments while waiting for a house to sell.
  • Homeowners with very little, zero, or negative equity need to sell ASAP.

Fill out the form below to find out how much we can offer to take over your unwanted mortgage. Get a hassle-free offer today!

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

See what others have to say…!

Rodney M.

I got cash and the bank didn’t foreclose

I got 5k cash for my loan that was almost $20,000 behind with a $2,000 a month mortgage payment that I could no longer afford. This is a great option for someone in my situation.

– Rodney M.

Batavia, Oh

We buy houses in ChesapeakeAfter years of owning this house that I inherited from my mom I decided it was time to sell. It was very hard decision and I wanted to make sure I sold to the right people. After working with Vince and his team I’m 100% sure I made the right decision. Vince was great, he made the process of selling my house very easy. I had cash for my home in 12 days!

– Mariam L. – Pleasant Ridge

We buy houses in Virginia BeachMy house was the ugliest on the street. I had several other “we buy houses” type of companies take a look but nobody wanted to buy. I gave it one last shot and found Vince online. He came out same day, made me a cash offer on the spot and we closed the following week. I have no idea why anyone would buy such a raggedy house… but he did lol!

– Thomas Smith – Price Hill

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